
Section: Exception and resource handling in C (3)
Updated: 0.21
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xcpc_set_exitproc, xcpc_push_tryctx, xcpc_pop_tryctx, xcpc_do_throw, xcpc_do_rethrow, xcpc_context_create, xcpc_context_reparent, xcpc_context_free, xcpc_context_parent, xcpc_context_root, xcpc_context_exhandler, xcpc_resource_add, xcpc_resource_movehead, xcpc_resource_movetail, xcpc_resource_moveafter, xcpc_resource_movebefore, xcpc_resource_ctx, xcpc_resource_data, xcpc_resource_del, xcpc_resource_reparent, xcpc_resource_set


xcpc__malloc, xcpc__realloc, xcpc__strdup, xcpc__fopen, xcpc__fdopen, xcpc__freopen, xcpc__open, xcpc__push_remove, xcpc__mmap, xcpc__write, xcpc__read, xcpc__fwrite, xcpc__fread, xcpc__stat, xcpc__fstat, xcpc__mkdir, xcpc__rmdir, xcpc__remove, xcpc__opendir, xcpc__pipe, xcpc__socket, xcpc__bind, xcpc__connect, xcpc__truncate, xcpc__ftruncate, xcpc__lseek




Core API

#include <libxcpc.h>

void xcpc_set_exitproc(void (*proc)(int));
void xcpc_push_tryctx(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_tryctx *tctx);
xcpc_tryctx *xcpc_pop_tryctx(xcpc_ctx ctx);
void xcpc_do_throw(xcpc_ctx ctx, int exno, void *data);
void xcpc_do_rethrow(xcpc_ctx ctx);
xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_create(xcpc_ctx pctx);
void xcpc_context_reparent(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_ctx pctx);
void xcpc_context_free(xcpc_ctx ctx);
xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_parent(xcpc_ctx ctx);
xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_root(xcpc_ctx ctx);
xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_exhandler(xcpc_ctx ctx);
xcpc_res xcpc_resource_add(xcpc_ctx ctx, void *data,
                           void (*free)(void *));
void xcpc_resource_movehead(xcpc_res res);
void xcpc_resource_movetail(xcpc_res res);
void xcpc_resource_moveafter(xcpc_res res, xcpc_res rres);
void xcpc_resource_movebefore(xcpc_res res, xcpc_res rres);'
xcpc_ctx xcpc_resource_ctx(xcpc_res res);
void *xcpc_resource_data(xcpc_res res);
void xcpc_resource_del(xcpc_res res, int do_free);
void xcpc_resource_reparent(xcpc_res res, xcpc_ctx pctx);
void xcpc_resource_set(xcpc_res res, int do_free, void *data,
                       void (*free)(void *));
XCPC_THROW(ctx, exno, data)


Function wrappers

#include <libxcpc.h>

void *xcpc__malloc(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, long size);
void *xcpc__realloc(xcpc_res res, long size);
char *xcpc__strdup(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, char const *str);
FILE *xcpc__fopen(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, char const *path,
                  char const *mode);
FILE *xcpc__fdopen(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, int fd,
                   char const *mode);
FILE *xcpc__freopen(xcpc_res res, char const *path, char const *mode);
int xcpc__open(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, char const *path,
               int flags, int mode);
void xcpc__push_remove(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, char const *path);
void *xcpc__mmap(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, void *start, size_t length,
                 int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
ssize_t xcpc__write(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
ssize_t xcpc__read(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
size_t xcpc__fwrite(xcpc_ctx ctx, const void *ptr, size_t size,
                    size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
size_t xcpc__fread(xcpc_ctx ctx, void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
                   FILE *stream);
void xcpc__stat(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path, struct stat *buf);
void xcpc__fstat(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, struct stat *buf);
void xcpc__mkdir(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path, mode_t mode);
void xcpc__rmdir(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path);
void xcpc__remove(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path);
void *xcpc__opendir(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path);
int xcpc__socket(xcpc_ctx ctx, int domain, int type, int protocol);
void xcpc__pipe(xcpc_ctx ctx, int *fds);
void xcpc__bind(xcpc_ctx ctx, int sfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, int alen);
void xcpc__connect(xcpc_ctx ctx, int sfd, const struct sockaddr *addr,
                   int alen);
void xcpc__truncate(xcpc_ctx ctx, char const *path, off_t len);
void xcpc__ftruncate(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, off_t len);
off_t xcpc__lseek(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, off_t off, int whence);



The libxcpc library implements an automatic resource cleanup and exception handling in C. Error handling and cleanup code (at least for code that does error handling) can take quite some space in terms of lines of code to be written. This not only increases the binary size, but makes the code more difficult to read. Furthermore, error handling code typically lies in untested code paths (because they get exercised only when abnormal conditions happens) that are very much error prone. Effective and complete code coverage tests to exercise all error paths, are not trivial to implement, and very often many of such paths are simply left untested. C++ has native exception handling, and this solves part of the problem, while keeping exposed the resource cleanup one. The libxcpc offers C++ like exception handling, plus automatic resource cleanup, to be used in software written in C. The libxcpc introduces three abstractions, that are Resource, Container and Exception. The Resource is every object (or action) that needs cleanup. This can be a block of allocated memory, an open file, a mapped memory region, etc... Every allocated Resource is owned by a Container. A Resource can be moved from a Container to another. A Container is a bucket inside which Resource are allocated. A Container can be the parent of other Containers, by hence introducing a parent/child relationship between Containers. A Container can be reassigned to be child of a new Container. By freeing a Container all the Resources allocated inside the Container will be freed, and all the child Containers will be recursively freed too. Resource Containers greatly simplify the resource cleanup code, by being able to issue a single call to free a Container and having automatically all the Resources contained by it, freed as well. Resources are added/removed in a LIFO (Last In First Out) way, and the libxcpc library offers APIs to re-arrange the order of the Resources inside their Contexts. An Exception is (like in C++) any kind of abnormal condition that prevent the program to flow in its path. This can be a failed memory allocation, a failure to open a file, a failure to mmap(2) a portion of a file, a failure to write(2) a file, etc... An Exception is described by a unique number (int) and by an associated data (void *). Exceptions numbers from 1 to ( XCPCE_USER-1 ) are reserved to the libxcpc library, while the user can define their own starting from XCPCE_USER. Exceptions are thrown using the XCPC_THROW(ctx, exno, data) statement, or re-thrown using XCPC_RETHROW(ctx). A nice feature of exception handling, is that it allows you to handle only certain kind of exceptions, and different exceptions in different points of your code tree. Using libxcpc library, you handle exceptions by surrounding the potentially-throwing code with the XCPC_TRY(ctx) statement. The code can then use either the XCPC_CATCH(exno) or the XCPC_CATCH_ANY statements to handle specific or all kind of exceptions that happened in the code bound by the XCPC_TRY(ctx). An Exception block must be terminated by a XCPC_END_TRY statement. If the current Exception block does not handle the current Exception using the XCPC_CATCH(exno) statement, and does not have a XCPC_CATCH_ANY statement, the libxcpc library backtrack to find a valid handler in the code at higher layers of the call hierarchy. It is important that at least the outer Exception block uses a XCPC_CATCH_ANY statement, so that any Exceptions not caught by the code, is handled properly. When an Exception is caught by an handler, all the resources allocated by the code from the beginning of the XCPC_TRY(ctx) block, down to the place where the Exception is thrown, are automatically freed once the handler reaches the XCPC_END_TRY statement.


Structures and Types

The following types are defined:

The xcpc_ctx type rapresent a Container, by the means described above.


The xcpc_res type rapresent a Resource, by the means described above.


The xcpc_tryctx is an internal type that the caller should not care about it, for normal libxcpc usage.


Functions and Macros (Core API)

The following functions are defined:
void xcpc_set_exitproc(void (*proc)(int));

Sets the exit function for the core libxcpc implementation. This is called when an exception has been thrown, and noone is handling it. It default on the exit(3) function, on system supporting it. Systems not supporting exit(3) should call void xcpc_set_exitproc(void (*proc)(int)) at the beginning of the program, before any other libxcpc is called.

void xcpc_push_tryctx(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_tryctx *tctx);

This is an internal function that is used by the Exception macros. It pushes a new xcpc_tryctx context into the stack. Normal libxcpc should never have to call this function.

xcpc_tryctx *xcpc_pop_tryctx(xcpc_ctx ctx);

Like the void xcpc_push_tryctx(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_tryctx *tctx) function, xcpc_tryctx *xcpc_pop_tryctx(xcpc_ctx ctx) is an internal function and should not be called by the normal user. This function removes the top of the exception stack from the stack itself.

void xcpc_do_throw(xcpc_ctx ctx, int exno, void *data);

This is the function that XCPC_THROW(ctx, exno, data) relies on to throw exceptions. The user should call XCPC_THROW(ctx, exno, data) instead of calling void xcpc_do_throw(xcpc_ctx ctx, int exno, void *data) directly.

void xcpc_do_rethrow(xcpc_ctx ctx);

This is the function that XCPC_RETHROW(ctx) relies on to re-throw exceptions. The user should call XCPC_RETHROW(ctx) instead of calling void xcpc_do_rethrow(xcpc_ctx ctx) directly.

xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_create(xcpc_ctx pctx);

Creates a Resource Container from the parent Container passed in the pctx parameter. The xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_create(xcpc_ctx pctx) function returns the new Container or throws an exception in case of errors.

void xcpc_context_reparent(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_ctx pctx);

As explained in the DESCRIPTION Containers form a hierarchy with each parent allowed to have many childs. The void xcpc_context_reparent(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_ctx pctx) function makes the Context passed in ctx a new child of the Context passed in pctx, by detaching ctx from its previous parent. A root Context (the one whose parent is NULL) cannot be re-parented and trying to do so, will generate an Exception. Also, Contexts can be re-parented if they share the same root Context.

void xcpc_context_free(xcpc_ctx ctx);

Frees the Context passed in the ctx parameter. The void xcpc_context_free(xcpc_ctx ctx) function frees all the Resources allocated inside ctx and also frees all the Context s that are rooted on ctx.

xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_parent(xcpc_ctx ctx);

Returns the parent Context of ctx.

xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_root(xcpc_ctx ctx);

Returns the root Context of the ctx dinasty.

xcpc_ctx xcpc_context_exhandler(xcpc_ctx ctx);

Returns the inner (the Top Of Stack in the handlers stack) Exception handling Context.

xcpc_res xcpc_resource_add(xcpc_ctx ctx, void *data,
void (*free)(void *));

Adds a new Resource to the Context passed in the ctx parameter. The data parameter is the pointer to the Resource, while free() is the destructor to be called when the resource has to be freed. The function return the newly allocated resource, or throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc_resource_movehead(xcpc_res res);

Moves the Resource res at the beginning of the Resource list in its Context. Resources are removed (freed) from HEAD to TAIL.

void xcpc_resource_movetail(xcpc_res res);

Moves the Resource res at the end of the Resource list in its Context. Resources are removed (freed) from HEAD to TAIL.

void xcpc_resource_moveafter(xcpc_res res, xcpc_res rres);

Moves the Resource res after the Resource rres. This means that Resource res will be remove (freed) after Resource rres.

void xcpc_resource_movebefore(xcpc_res res, xcpc_res rres);'

Moves the Resource res before the Resource rres. This means that Resource res will be remove (freed) before Resource rres.

xcpc_ctx xcpc_resource_ctx(xcpc_res res);

Returns the Context inside which the Resource passed in the res parameter is allocated.

void *xcpc_resource_data(xcpc_res res);

Returns the pointer to the Resource associated with res.

void xcpc_resource_del(xcpc_res res, int do_free);

Deletes the Resource passed in the res parameter. If the do_free parameter is not zero, the corresponding Resource destructor is called (hence the Resource core data freed), otherwise the Resource is simply removed from its Container and its metadata freed). After the void xcpc_resource_del(xcpc_res res, int do_free) function returns, the Resource res is invalid.

void xcpc_resource_reparent(xcpc_res res, xcpc_ctx pctx);

Makes the Context passed in pctx the new parent of the Resource passed in res.

void xcpc_resource_set(xcpc_res res, int do_free, void *data,
void (*free)(void *));

Changes the Resource res by setting the new data and free() parameters. If do_free is not zero, the previously associated data is freed using the previously associated destructor.

XCPC_THROW(ctx, exno, data)

Throws an Exception number exno with its associated data. The ctx Context is used to backtrack and first the first Exception handler in the ctx hierarchy.


This statement is used to re-throw the currently handled Exception so to handlers in the upper layers of the hierarchy. The ctx parameter is the Context under which the current Exception happened. Trying to perform a XCPC_RETHROW(ctx) using a Context that is not the one registered in the Exception block by a previous XCPC_TRY(ctx) will generate a panic.


Opens an Exception handler block associated with the Context passed in the ctx parameter. This is how an Exception block may look like:

XCPC_TRY(ctx) {
         * Here we have some code that may throw exceptions ...
         * Handle the XCPCE_OPEN exception ...
         * Handle the XCPCE_WRITE exception ...
         * Handle all other exceptions ...

Exception handlers can be nested inside each other. Every Resource or Context allocated inside the hierarchy rooted in ctx will be freed in case an Exception happened inside the code bound by the XCPC_TRY(ctx) block.


Follows a XCPC_TRY(ctx) statement and is used to catch the Exception passed in the exno parameter (see above example).

The code inside the handler is supposed to handle the Exception that happened in the associated XCPC_TRY(ctx) block (and down inside its call hierarchy). On exit from the code block inside the handler, the program will resume to the instruction following the closing XCPC_END_TRY statement. The handler can use the XCPC_RETHROW(ctx) statement to pass the Exception to handlers up in the call hierarchy


Handle every Exception not handled by the previous XCPC_CATCH(exno) blocks. In the same way as XCPC_CATCH(exno) the handler code can simply exit the code block, or can use XCPC_RETHROW(ctx) to pass the Exception in the upper layers of the call hierarchy.


Ends an Exception handler started with a previous XCPC_TRY(ctx) statement. If no Exception happens, or if one of the handler catch the Exception without re-throwing, the program will continue with the next Exception following the XCPC_END_TRY statement.


The code inside an Exception handler (being it TRY or CATCH) cannot simply issue a return to return from the current function. The XCPC_RETURNV(expr) statement must be used to return from the current function, with expr being the expression to be returned.


Same as XCPC_RETURNV(expr) but for void functions.


Macro that can be used to fetch the data associated with an Exception.


Macro that can be used to fetch the Exception number.


Function wrappers

void *xcpc__malloc(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, long size);

Allocates a memory block of size bytes. A new Resource will be associated with the new block of data, and the pres pointer will receive its value. The new Resource will be stored inside the Context passed in the ctx parameter. The new block pointer will be returned by the function. In case of error, an Exception will be thrown.

void *xcpc__realloc(xcpc_res res, long size);

Realloc a Resource previously allocated with void *xcpc__malloc(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, long size) to the new size size. The reallocated block will be associated with the same Resource res and the function will return it. An Exception is thrown in case of error.

char *xcpc__strdup(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, char const *str);

Makes a copy of the input string str and links the allocated Resource inside the ctx Context. Returns the newly allocated string copy, or throws an Exception in case of error.

FILE *xcpc__fopen(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, char const *path,
char const *mode);

Opens a new file using the fopen(3) function and links it to a new Resource that will be stored in the pres parameter. Returns the newly opened FILE pointer, or throws an Exception in case of error.

FILE *xcpc__fdopen(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, int fd,
char const *mode);

Opens a new stream file using the fdopen(3) function. Returns the newly opened FILE pointer, or throws an Exception in case of error.

FILE *xcpc__freopen(xcpc_res res, char const *path, char const *mode);

Opens a new stream file using the freopen(3) function. Returns the newly opened FILE pointer, or throws an Exception in case of error.

int xcpc__open(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, char const *path,
int flags, int mode);

Opens a new file descriptor using the open(2) function. Returns the newly opened file descriptor pointer, or throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__push_remove(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, char const *path);

This is an example about a Resource that does not have any real payload, but its used only to leverage the cleanup capabilities of the Resource destructors. It creates a Resource that whose cleanup will trigger the removal of the file whose path is passed in path.

void *xcpc__mmap(xcpc_ctx ctx, xcpc_res *pres, void *start, size_t length,
int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);

Creates a new memory mapping using the mmap(2) function. Returns the newly created mapping address, or throws an Exception in case of error.

ssize_t xcpc__write(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

Maps to the write(2) function and throws an Exception if the number of bytes written are different from count.

ssize_t xcpc__read(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, void *buf, size_t count);

Maps to the read(2) function and throws an Exception if the number of bytes read are different from count.

size_t xcpc__fwrite(xcpc_ctx ctx, const void *ptr, size_t size,
size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);

Maps to the fwrite(3) function and throws an Exception if the number of elements written are different from nmemb.

size_t xcpc__fread(xcpc_ctx ctx, void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
FILE *stream);

Maps to the fread(3) function and throws an Exception if the number of elements read are different from nmemb.

void xcpc__stat(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path, struct stat *buf);

Maps to the stat(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__fstat(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, struct stat *buf);

Maps to the fstat(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__mkdir(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path, mode_t mode);

Maps to the mkdir(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__rmdir(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path);

Maps to the rmdir(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__remove(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path);

Maps to the remove(3) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void *xcpc__opendir(xcpc_ctx ctx, const char *path);

Maps to the opendir(3) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__pipe(xcpc_ctx ctx, int *fds);

Maps to the pipe(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

int xcpc__socket(xcpc_ctx ctx, int domain, int type, int protocol);

Maps to the socket(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__bind(xcpc_ctx ctx, int sfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, int alen);

Maps to the bind(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__connect(xcpc_ctx ctx, int sfd, const struct sockaddr *addr,
int alen);

Maps to the connect(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__truncate(xcpc_ctx ctx, char const *path, off_t len);

Maps to the truncate(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

void xcpc__ftruncate(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, off_t len);

Maps to the ftruncate(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.

off_t xcpc__lseek(xcpc_ctx ctx, int fd, off_t off, int whence);

Maps to the lseek(2) function and throws an Exception in case of error.



To see how the libxcpc library can simply the code, let's consider a function that copies a file. One style to write such function would be:

int file_copy1(char const *src, char const *dst) {
        int sfd, dfd;
        size_t count, rdy;
        char *buf;
        struct stat stb;

        if ((sfd = open(src, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
                return -1;
        if (fstat(sfd, &stb)) {
                return -2;
        if ((dfd = open(dst, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)) == -1) {
                return -3;
        if ((buf = malloc(BSIZE)) == NULL) {
                return -4;
        for (count = 0; count < stb.st_size;) {
                if ((rdy = stb.st_size - count) > BSIZE)
                        rdy = BSIZE;
                if (read(sfd, buf, rdy) != rdy ||
                    write(dfd, buf, rdy) != rdy) {
                        return -5;
                count += rdy;
        return 0;

Another style example for coding the same function is:

int file_copy2(char const *src, char const *dst) {
        int err, sfd, dfd;
        size_t count, rdy;
        char *buf;
        struct stat stb;

        err = -1;
        if ((sfd = open(src, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
                goto err_1;
        err = -2;
        if (fstat(sfd, &stb))
                goto err_2;
        err = -3;
        if ((dfd = open(dst, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT)) == -1)
                goto err_2;
        err = -4;
        if ((buf = malloc(BSIZE)) == NULL)
                goto err_3;
        for (count = 0; count < stb.st_size;) {
                if ((rdy = stb.st_size - count) > BSIZE)
                        rdy = BSIZE;
                err = -5;
                if (read(sfd, buf, rdy) != rdy ||
                    write(dfd, buf, rdy) != rdy)
                        goto err_4;
                count += rdy;
        err = 0;
        return err;

Let's see how it looks using the libxcpc library:

int file_copy3(xcpc_ctx ctx, char const *src, char const *dst) {
        xcpc_ctx wctx;
        int sfd, dfd;
        size_t count, rdy;
        char *buf;
        struct stat stb;

        wctx = xcpc_context_create(ctx);
        sfd = xcpc__open(wctx, NULL, src, O_RDONLY, 0);
        xcpc__fstat(wctx, sfd, &stb);
        dfd = xcpc__open(wctx, NULL, dst, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644);
        buf = xcpc__malloc(wctx, NULL, BSIZE);
        for (count = 0; count < stb.st_size;) {
                if ((rdy = stb.st_size - count) > BSIZE)
                        rdy = BSIZE;
                xcpc__read(wctx, sfd, buf, rdy);
                xcpc__write(wctx, dfd, buf, rdy);
                count += rdy;
        return err;

The code using file_copy3(), or using code that uses file_copy3(), will can then handle the exceptions in the proper place, like:

XCPC_TRY(ctx) {
        file_copy3(ctx, ...);

The Pros of the Exception handling code against the in function error handling, is that you can handle exception wherever it makes sense for your program. In the simplest case, a program could have a single Exception block in the main() function, and handle everything in there.



Compared to C++ Exception handling, libxcpc performance is very good. You can compare yourself using the xcpc_bench binary inside the test subdirectory, against the analoguous bench program at:

In my machine, libxcpc performs almost ten times faster than standard C++ Exception handling in the throwing case. While GCC Exception handling is about four times faster than libxcpc Exception handling in the non throwing case. Those are micro-benchmarks though, and the effective cost of the libxcpc Exception handling is negligible when used in software does does some real work besides calling XCPC_TRY(ctx).



Exception Handler Bounds

When an Exception block is opened using XCPC_TRY(ctx) all the new Resources and Contexts that are rooted to the Context ctx will be freed in case of Exception. If a new Resource or Context is allocated on a Context that is not rooted in ctx, they will not be freed by the Excption handling mechanism (unless the handler does not handle the Exception or re-throws, and the upper layer handle uses a Context that is root for the allocated Resources or Contexts).

Multi Threading And Re-Entrancy

The libxcpc library is re-entrant by nature, since it does not use any writeable global variable. The libxcpc is thread-safe as long as two different threads do not work at the same Context hierarchy at the same time. It is perfetcly legal to allocated a Context hierarchy in one thread and pass it to another one. As long as two threads do not use it at the same time.



This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of the license is available at:



Developed by Davide Libenzi <[email protected]>



The latest version of the libxcpc library can be found at:



There are no known bugs. Bug reports and comments to Davide Libenzi <[email protected]>



Core API
Function wrappers
Structures and Types
Functions and Macros (Core API)
Function wrappers

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Time: 00:11:49 GMT, April 08, 2007